Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Edinburgh festival is back for 2010

Edinburgh festival goes on for the whole of august! There are loads of shows on for the whole month some are even free, and lots of street performers on the royal mile. People come from all over the world, its the biggest arts festival in the world the shows include theatre,comedy,dance,physical theatre,musicals,operas,music,expeditions and events that are held in lots of places all over edinburgh. You never know what your going to see when u turn the corner :)

Im really lucky i live just over the water so its only a train journey :)

Edinburgh Castle


Mónica Zúñiga said...

How wonderful to live close to all this, looks like a movie set! I would love to be there and enjoy all this wonderful eye candies! :)
Lucky you!

Mónica Zúñiga said...

How wonderful to live close to all this, looks like a movie set! I would love to be there and enjoy all this wonderful eye candies! :)
Lucky you!