Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Award winning

I am very proud to say i just got my very first award thanks to Stephanie Sewell over at Weight a minute...Thankyou very much Stephanie you are so sweet.
Ive been doing this blog for a while now and its just good to know someone has enjoyed it and theres so much more to come...
Here are the rules
  1. Thank the person who gave you the award
  2. Share 7 things about yourself
  3.  Nominate 15 newly descovered blogs

  4. Let you nominees know about your reward

So here goes 7 things about myself that im gonna share with you guys
  • I drink way too much wine on a Friday night.
  • I never straighten my hair unless i really need to im lazy with my hair(its curly)
  • Miss Yelpington is NOT my real name.
  • I have lost way too many loved ones, RIP Colin xxxx
  • AUGUST is my favourite month as Edinburgh festival is on, also start college on the 30th.
  • Practical magic is my fave film.
  • I had an imaginary friend as a child, her name was Sally and she kinda looked like Alice in Wonderland.
These are who ive chosen to nominate, okay so i only got 10 so far, drum roll please and the award goes to.......

3 comments: said...

Miss Yelpington,
Thank you for your nomination!! You are very kind : ) I enjoyed checking out your blog. What fun pictures you take!

Sarah said...

Thanks for your nomination you really made my day - love your blog - I will indeed pass this on xxx ;)

Mónica Zúñiga said...

Hello Miss Yelpington! Thank you so much for my wonderful award, it is much appreciated! You have put a smile on my heart! :)